いつまでも...till d end of time

人でみつけた未来に あなたは真剣なまなざし
いいかげんな奴だとばかり 思ってたあの頃

"Towards the future discovered by you and I" You reveal an earnest expression
Just "A pretentious guy" That was what I thought at that time
I Was a little childish, wasn't I?

何にも心配しないで 君は 僕に頼ればいい」と
さしのべてくれた温かい手を ずっと離さないように
寄り添いながら 共に歩こう

"Don't worry about anything, you Can just depend on me"
The warm, comforting hands that reached out to me I hope they'll never ever let go
Let's stick close to each other As we walk on together

... ai no mukou ...

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